How much do I need for emergencies?

It is prudent planning to have at least three to six months of liquid/cash assets set aside in the event of a loss of job, medical emergency, short-term disability, etc. Use this calculator to help determine how much you need to set aside monthly or as a lump sum to create an emergency fund.
Current gross monthly income ($) 
Current emergency funds available ($) 
Number of months for funds to last 
Before tax return on savings (%)help
Marginal tax bracket (%)help
Number of months to accumulate funds 
Total monthly living expenses, if plan to itemize below then leave at 0. ($) 
Or Itemize Monthly
Mortgage payment or rent ($) 
Vacation home (mortgage) ($) 
Automobile loan(s) ($) 
Personal loan(s) ($) 
Charge accounts ($) 
Federal income taxes ($) 
State income taxes ($) 
FICA (social security taxes) ($) 
Real estate taxes ($) 
Other taxes ($) 
Utilities ($) 
Household repairs and maintenance ($) 
Food ($) 
Clothing and laundry ($) 
Educational expenses ($) 
Child care ($) 
Automobile expenses (gas, repairs, etc.) ($) 
Other transportation expenses ($) 
Life insurance premiums ($) 
Homeowners (renters) insurance ($) 
Automobile insurance ($) 
Medical, dental and disability insurance ($) 
Entertainment and dining ($) 
Recreation and travel ($) 
Club dues ($) 
Hobbies ($) 
Gifts ($) 
Major home improvements and furnishings ($) 
Professional services ($) 
Charitable contributions ($) 
Other and miscellaneous expenses ($) 
All calculators and tools are supplied as a courtesy only. FHB is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of information that you provide or information generated by the calculators. Please check your records carefully before inputting your information into the calculators or tools. All projected rates and results are estimates, are examples only, and are necessarily hypothetical in nature. No results are guaranteed. The output of the tools and calculators may vary with each use and over time. The output and results should not be construed as financial, legal or tax advice, and the calculators and tools are not intended to replace the advice of qualified professionals. You should not rely on the calculators and tools as your only source of information. You should consult with a qualified professional of your choice whenever specific advice is necessary or appropriate.

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