What is my projected net worth?

In order to get where you want to go, you need to know where you are. You can get a view of your financial position by generating a personal net worth statement. Over time your net worth will change as your assets earn interest or are depleted and your liabilities increase or decrease. Use this calculator to estimate what your net worth could be in the future based on specified growth rates.
Number of years to estimate net worth 
Tangible Assets
Residence ($)
Vacation home ($)
Furnishings ($)
Automobiles ($)
Rental real estate ($)
Art, jewelry, and other valuables ($)
Equity Assets
Stocks ($)
Variable annuities ($)
Limited partnerships ($)
Business interests ($)
Fixed-Principal Assets
Fixed-dollar annuities ($)
Trust deeds ($)
Other fixed-principal assets ($)
Fixed-Rate Assets
U.S. government bonds and securities ($)
Municipal bonds ($)
Corporate bonds ($)
Face-amount certificates ($)
Debt mutual funds ($)
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Checking accounts ($)
Savings accounts ($)
Money market funds ($)
Certificates of deposit ($)
Other cash reserve accounts ($)
Home mortgage ($)
Other mortgage ($)
Automobile loans ($)
Bank loans ($)
Personal loans ($)
Charge account debt ($)
Other debts ($)
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DocuMatix , LLC and LGFCU do not assume any fiduciary duties or provide investment advice when you use the calculators and you are encouraged to seek professional financial and legal advice when making financial decisions. Calculations provided may differ from calculations provided by other institutions or advisors. DocuMatix , LLC and LGFCU disclaim all warranties with respect to the calculator and use thereof including any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability. DocuMatix , LLC and LGFCU shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive or other damages suffered by you due to your use of the calculator, including loss of profits. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless DocuMatix , LLC and LGFCU from and against all claims, damages and liabilities related to your use of the calculator.

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