How much retirement income may my 401(k) provide?

It may surprise you how significant your retirement accumulation may become simply by saving a small percentage of your salary each month in your 401(k) plan. Further, it may be useful to estimate your future monthly income generated by these savings and what that means in today's dollars.
Common Assumptions
Years until retirement 
Current annual income ($) 
Annual salary increases (%)help
Contribution Information
Current 401(k) balance ($) 
Current 401(k) plan contribution (%) 
Plan Information
Pay period frequency 
Employer match (% of gross income) (%) 
Annual before-tax return: conservative (%)help
Annual before-tax return: moderate (%)help
Annual before-tax return: aggressive (%)help
Withdrawal Information
Years during retirement 
Return during retirement (%)help
Estimated inflation (%)help
The results and explanations generated by this calculator may vary due to user input and assumptions. New York Life Insurance Company does not guarantee the accuracy of the calculators, results, explanations, nor applicability to your specific situation. We recommend that you use this calculator as a guideline only and you ultimately seek the guidance of an experienced professional.

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