Advisor Calculators - English

Our Advisor Calculator series of online analytical calculators is composed of over 40 one-page reports designed to quickly answer financial questions posed by clients and prospects.

These one-page PDF reports offer professional, presentation quality output which can be given to clients as part of the planning process. The reports, which can also be emailed, can help motivate a client/prospect to take action, answer pointed financial questions or educate on a specific financial topic. Incorporating the prospect/client and advisor name with appropriate company disclosures, they are a great supplement to your comprehensive planning system and can easily be implemented on a company extranet site or agent login area.

Feel free to sample the English version of our Advisor Calculators below.

Cash Flow   College   Credit   Home/Mortgage   Tax   Insurance   Paycheck/Benefits   Qualified Plans   Retirement   Savings   Investment  

Cash Flow Calculators   Back to top

How long will my money last?
Value of reducing or foregoing expenses.

College Calculators   Back to top

How much should I be saving for college?
What is the value of a college education?

Credit Calculators   Back to top

How long will it take to pay off my credit card(s)?
What would my loan payments be?
Should I pay off debts or invest the money?

Home & Mortgage Calculators   Back to top

Should I refinance my home mortgage (breakeven)?
Mortgage calculator

Taxation Calculators   Back to top

Compare taxable, tax-deferred, and tax-free growth
How much of my social security benefit may be taxable?

Insurance Calculators   Back to top

How much life insurance do I need?
How much disability income insurance do I need?
What are my long-term care insurance needs?
How much will I earn in my lifetime?
What are the tax advantages of an annuity?
How long will my current life insurance proceeds last?

Paycheck & Benefits Calculators   Back to top

How will payroll adjustments affect my take-home pay?

Qualified Plans Calculators   Back to top

Evaluate my company pension payout options
How much retirement income may an IRA provide?
Should I convert to a Roth IRA?
What is my projected required minimum distributions?
What are my lump sum distribution options?
I'm self-employed, how much can I contribute to a retirement plan?
What are my Stretch IRA distributions?

Retirement Calculators   Back to top

How much will I need to save for retirement?
Are my current retirement savings sufficient?
Social security retirement income estimator
I'm retired, how long will my savings last?
When should I begin saving for retirement?
Compare a Roth 401(k) to a Traditional 401(K)

Saving Calculators   Back to top

Becoming a millionaire
How long will it take to double my money?
Save now vs. save later
How much should I save to reach my goal?
What will my current savings grow to?
Calculate rate of return
How do taxes and inflation impact my return?

Investment Calculators   Back to top

What is the value of compound interest?
What is my risk tolerance?
What is the long-term impact of increased return?