National Average Statistics Listing

Below you will find the complete listing of all the national average statistics that are available to you.

The data we collect are simply the values entered into our calculators. There are no personal security issues because there is no personal data entered into the calculators - just amounts, interest rates, etc.

We've compiled the input data from tens of thousands of calculator runs per day from across the entire country and now offer you access to it. Average values are available for any of our calculators over a date range that you specify. You can also select the statistics that you want from our comprehensive listing below, again with the ability to specify a date range.

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The statistics we offer "off-the-shelf" are pre-selected by our expert analysts. However, if there are other statistics you would like, or if you'd like to "slice and dice" the data differently, we can offer you direct access to the database as well.

Here's a sampling of some mortgage related data:

10yr Mortgage $252,511 - 6.528%      15yr Mortgage $234,406 - 5.749%      20yr Mortgage $379,790 - 6.315%      30yr Mortgage $270,769 - 5.956%      40yr Mortgage $370,569 - 5.935%      Annual Combined Income $108,417      Monthly Child Support $486      Monthly Auto Payments $556      Monthly Credit Card Payments $598      Monthly Association Fees $281      Monthly Other Obligations $1,944      House Down Payment $42,719      Annual Property Tax $3,594      Annual Hazard Insurance $1,185 - - Copyright © 2013 by CalcXML | All Rights Reserved

The items listed below represent the data that is available in the form of averages across the nation. For example, "Life insurance premiums" under Cash Flow Calculators would be the average value that users of one or more of our Cash Flow calculators have entered for the amount they pay toward life insurance premiums.

Cash Flow CalculatorsCollege Calculators
Mortgage payment or rentAmount saved so far
Automobile loan(s)Annual amount of college cost
Charge accounts529 Initial investment amount
Real estate taxes529 Annual savings amount
Life insurance premiums
Automobile insurance
Medical, dental and disability insurance
Entertainment and dining
Charitable contributions
Total household expenses
Current savings balance
U.S. government bonds and securities
Municipal bonds
Checking accounts
Savings accounts
Money market funds
Certificates of deposit
Home mortgage
Other mortgage
Automobile loans
Personal loans
Charge account debt
Total assets
Total liabilities
Wages, salary and tips
Social security benefits
Alimony, child support (received)
Total income
Total expenses
Credit CalculatorsHome & Mortgage Calculators
Current credit card balanceCurrent combined annual income
Annual percentage rateMonthly child support payments
Down payment (capital reduction)Monthly auto payments
Rebate amountMonthly credit card payments
Monthly auto lease payment amountAnnual interest rate on new mortgage
Auto purchase priceFunds available for a down payment
Annual percentage rate on loanEstimated annual property taxes
Auto sales price before rebateEstimated annual homeowner's insurance
Annual interest rateCurrent loan balance
Current annual interest rate
Loan amount
Annual interest rate
Sale price of property
Annual property taxes
Annual hazard insurance
Monthly private mortgage insurance
Monthly rent payment
Purchase price of home
Lender fees: (processing and underwriting)
Credit report
Title insurance
Reconveyance fee
Recording fee
Wire and courier fee
Endorsement fee
Title closing fee
Document preparation
Other fees
Fixed-Rate Loan Interest Rate
Adjustable-Rate Loan Interest Rate
Total fees (not origination or discount points)
Taxation CalculatorsInsurance Calculators
Total Assets (personal + investment + business)Funeral expenses
Gross annual incomeExisting life insurance
Qualified plan/IRA contributionYour current age
Itemized deductionsAnnual cost of long-term care
Number of dependent childrenCurrent annual income
Annual self-employment incomeCurrent life insurance in force
Current investment balanceMonthly survivor income needs
Before-tax return on fully-taxable investmentAnnuity initial balance or deposit
Before-tax return on tax-deferred investmentAnnual savings amount
Return on tax-free investmentInitial annuity rate
Social Security receivedTraditional deductible health insurance
Medical expensesTraditional monthly health insurance premium
Dental expensesAnticipated yearly medical expenses
State and local income taxes
Real estate taxes
Personal property taxes
Charitable cash contributions
Tax-free yield
Federal marginal tax bracket
State marginal tax bracket
Paycheck & Benefits CalculatorsQualified Plans Calculators
Gross earnings per pay period (current)Single Life pension monthly amount
Miscellaneous pre-tax deductionsJoint Survivor pension monthly amount
Before-tax 401(k)/403(b) withholding percentageCurrent IRA balance
Miscellaneous post-tax deductionsEmployer-sponsored plan current balance
Annual salaryIRA current balance
Hourly wageQualified Plan account balance
Current 401(k) balanceAnticipated distribution amount
Employer match: (%)Anticipated retirement age
Maximum employer match: (%)Amount you intend to borrow from 401(k)
Current before-tax 401(k) plan contribution: (%)Amount of early 401(k) withdrawal
Net profit from Form 1040-Schedule C
Current 401(k) company stock balance
Retirement CalculatorsSaving Calculators
Current retirement savingsInitial balance or deposit
Desired retirement ageCurrent savings balance
Current annual incomeAnnual savings amount
Spouse's annual income
Current retirement savings balance
Current annual savings amount
Current annual earned income
Current spouse annual earned income
Monthly income needed: (before-tax)
Monthly Social Security income
Monthly pension income
Monthly other income
Current savings balance
Annual savings amount
Current 401(k) balance
Current 401(k) plan contribution
Your annual contribution
Investment CalculatorsBusiness
Initial CD balance or deposit